Zaina Foundation Newsletter July – September, 2023

Zaina Foundation Newsletter – July – September, 2023 


Digital Rights and Inclusion Highlights  from Zaina Foundation from the period of July-September, 2023


Zaina Foundation is a forefront organization in Tanzania focused on creating safe spaces online for women in Tanzania.  Through advocacy projects on Promote Internet Freedom, Expanding civic space by using technology, Awareness on digital security, localization and translation of open source tools and research on the state of digital rights in Tanzania.


  1. Digital Rights Champion Project

On 26th and 27th July 2023 Zaina Foundation visited Jangwani Beach Primary school and Kondo Secondary School. These two schools are among 10 schools which are in the first phase of  Digital Rights Clubs program in the country. In collaboration with the schools’ management and Zaina Foundation team successfully managed to train them about the use of technology in education (EduTech), trained them on how to use learning tools in their class and the importance of safety and security while using technology and the internet.  Purpose of this project is to create digital rights champions in Tanzania who may support advocacy work including policy reform and advocacy for internet shutdown in Tanzania i.e network measurement and advocacy in community among young 

September Newsletter Zaina Foundation

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