The State of Digital Rights and Inclusion in Tanzania

Recently, Tanzania recorded a rapid increase in internet subscribers reaching 48 Million as of December 2024 compared to 41.4 Million recorded in September 2023. The same is for smartphone penetration growing to 23.4 Million as of December 2024. There is also notable progress in advancing digital rights and inclusion agenda such as the enactment of laws and policies along with policy reforms, improvement of the internet infrastructure and many other meaningful efforts. However, the digital rights and inclusion landscape is currently marked by various challenges in relation to internet freedom and the potential impact of these issues on the upcoming national elections. The internet service remains expensive, hindering affordability and accessibility. The challenges associated with internet service providers’ infrastructure have rendered the internet inaccessible at most needed times. These challenges have negatively impacted freedom of expression and access to information in online spaces as most communication these days is done online. Also, a shrinking civic space, fuelled by political tension, limits freedom of expression and association in online spaces, undermining democratic principles. As we prepare for the national elections this repression may silence citizens, preventing them from questioning the credibility and accountability of the candidates running for office. 

Zaina Foundation calls for the authorities in Tanzania to ensure the internet is accessible and affordable as well as safe and secure for all internet users in Tanzania ahead to general election October, 2025. The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania must take responsibility for expanding civic space by ensuring citizens’ rights to freedom of expression and association, as well as their access to information in online spaces in conformity to the Article 18 of the United Republic of Tanzania Constitution 1977 and International Instruments. Read more here Zaina Foundation Bulletin, January 2025

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