April – June, 2023 Newsletter

Zaina Foundation April to June, 2023 Highlights


In this quarter March – June 2023, Zaina Foundation advocated for the new law of Personal Data Protection Act CAP 44 of 2022 by raising awareness to the Digital Rights Coalition which include local NGO, Private Sector, INGO, Academia and activists in Tanzania. Also continuing to raise awareness on Digital Safety to young activists  and women journalists in Tanzania, new partnership and collaboration with others both local NGO and INGO increased this period. 


Zaina Foundation in Actions…….

  1. Digital Safety Training to Women Journalists 

We continued with our initiative on awareness building on rights to privacy among at risk communities in Tanzania including Women journalists, young activists and at risk minority communities in Tanzania we reached regions including Kigoma, Arusha, Mtwara and Morogoro.  In this quarter Tanzania joined other countries in Africa to put pressure and fear to at risk communities especially in online spaces.  Surveillance and Censorship increased among this community.  Majority of them still lack skills on digital safety which expose them to high risk of minority life. More effort is needed in this community https://zainafoundationtz.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/ZF-June-Newsletter.pdf

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