Group photo at Slipway Hotel – Dar es salaam April,2021
Zaina Foundation is not for profit organization which promote digital rights in Tanzania. This organization established since 2017.
In Tanzania since 2015 Civic space have been shrinking and negative practice in human rights raised due to introduction of draconian law especially on Digital Rights.(Read More)
Women Human Rights Defenders include Journalists, Technologists, bloggers, and trainers have been trained about Digital security skill and tools feedback collection. During the Training they tested Signal Mobile app, Tor browsers, OONI Probe, RiseUp VPN, Psiphon and mailvelop. During these two days training day one participants learn skills on Digital security and cover topics i.e Device hygiene, Online Safety, Secure Communication, Encryptions and Mobile Security. Day two was practical in nature through the day they tested and collected feedback for 6 tools to share with developers to contribute to creation of tools they will use.
These two different Digital Security and Tools Feedback collection training were supported by Internews to raise awareness to Human Rights Defenders on Digital Security and Feedback Collection in Tanzania.
During this training trainees design user persona to represent they community of civil society, journalists and other human rights defenders and dive into explained needs, threats, and objectives during their work.
Due to current situation in Tanzania Women Human Rights Defenders are at risk because their skills on digital security specific on data protections and secure communications are limited.
This project supported them acquired digital security skills and tools practice as well as feedback collection for open-source tools.
Last part of this support we provided organization security training for two organization in Dar es salaam namely, Tanzania Media Women Association and Nukta Africa whereby both staff from two organization coached on Tor and collected feedback on Tor during person at their office.

Testimonies from trainees
“Before this Training my data especially on my phone were not protected. I had no password in my phone, and I communicated with client by using normal sms but after attended these two days training, I use encrypted tools for communications”. Rayah – Mlimani TV

I am a journalist work on magazine and Blogger sometime. In this training I learned about how I can reset my security feature in my facebook account. For 5 years I used to ignore these settings and forgotten about it but now I have to check my security and privacy settings regularly” Regina – Mwanahalisi magazine.