Zaina Foundation Bulletin – July, 2024


  • The state of Digital Rights and Inclusion in Tanzania

Throughout July, 2024 Zaina Foundation continues to champion on defending, promoting and protecting the Digital Rights and Inclusion in Tanzania.    Various stakeholders in Tanzania have engaged in ongoing discussions regarding the regulations and accessibility of online platforms, particularly focusing on Twitter. This debate has drawn participation from political leaders, government officials, religious leaders, influential figures, and citizens, expressing concerns over X’s (previously known as Twitter) decision to permit adult content on its platform. These concerns stem from both moral considerations about potential negative impacts on children’s upbringing and societal behaviour, as well as worries regarding the implications for freedom of expression.

The discussions have centered on restricting access to X within Tanzania due to apprehensions that it disseminates content perceived as illegal as per national laws where on the other hand, this raises issues about the infringement on freedom of expression. This dilemma underscores the continuous struggle between upholding freedom of expression and managing online content in alignment with national laws. 

The prospect of restricting X has also been addressed by 20 Internet Shutdown Fellows (ISF) from 8 regions of Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar, sparked debate from civil society organizations and activists. Internet Shutdown Fellows voiced their concerns stating that, “banning “X” would restrict access to information, political updates, social and economic insights, and international news, all of which are essential for informed decision-making and public engagement”. Access to information is a constitutional right for citizens in Tanzania.  In response, ISF along with other stakeholders coordinates advocacy meetings with the Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority (TCRA) to advocate for freedom of online expressions in Tanzania.  With this engagement, we are looking forward to the TCRA’s decisions and actions that will undoubtedly shape the country’s digital landscape and impact citizens’ online freedom.  Click this  to this link to read more ZF Newsletter July

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